March: Small Press Month. Shine the light on many of the great authors, and publishing houses, around the world.
March 1: National Play Outside Day. Spend a few minutes outside today enjoying the beauty and the fresh air.
March 2: National Read Across America Day (Dr. Seuss Day). This day is a motivational and awareness day, calling all children and youth in every community across the United States to celebrate reading.
March 4: National Grammar Day. Some people might suggest that grammar is a set of rules for language, but it is a system for understanding language.
March 2-8: Words Matter Week. Words are the basis for communication, no matter the language spoken. Even babies make sounds, which eventually are formed into words. Here at NAIWE, we know the importance of words, and we want to celebrate it! Participate in daily writing prompts to win a fabulous prize!
March 2-8: Read an E-book Week. This is an opportunity for book lovers and writers alike to share their passion in digital form.
March 8: National Proofreading Day. This day was created to bring awareness to the importance of proofreading.
March 14: National Write Down Your Story Day. This day challenges you to tell your story in written form.
March 30: National Pencil Day. Hymen Lipman received the first patent for attaching an eraser to the end of a pencil on this day in 1858.
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